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Are You at Risk for a
A hernia does not go away on its own. Here’s how to know if this painfully common condition is in your future.


According to the Cleveland Clinic, hernias can occur in the groin, upper thigh, upper stomach, or belly button. They can be passed on genetically, but they can also occur as the result of an accident, chronic condition, or pregnancy.

A hernia is the result of pressure combined with a small tear in connective tissue or muscle. With strain, pressure pushes fatty tissue or an organ — often the intestines — through the torn muscle, resulting in a hernia.

Wondering what you can do to protect against hernia and what increases your risk?


As with many medical conditions, prevention is the best treatment for nongenetic hernias.

Everyday Health suggests that lowering your hernia risk starts with a healthy lifestyle. Eat a well-rounded diet, including fiber- rich foods, and stay hydrated. Work to reach and maintain a healthy weight.

If you smoke or use tobacco, stop. Find a cessation technique you like and go for it. Additionally, practice proper lifting technique, don’t push hard when on the toilet and keep your other health issues under control.


While some hernias are present at birth, many are brought on later in life. According to Healthline the common causes of hernia include:

  • being overweight or obese
  • chronic coughing
  • lack of fiber in diet that leads to constipation
  • other medical conditions, such as cystic fibrosis or enlarged prostate
  • pregnancy-based weight gain
  • previous surgeries in the groin or abdominal area
  • smoking cigarettes
  • straining while lifting heavy objects or using the restroom

Initially, hernias may result in no symptoms. When symptoms do arise, the first is often a visible bulge. As time passes, the hernia can cause constipation, sharp pains, swallowing issues, heartburn and more.

When you can’t push the bulging tissue back into place or severe symptoms set in, go to the emergency room.

If you’ve had enough of your hernia, call

General Surgeons Troy Kerner, DO or Garvey Choi, DO at (215) 891-1430 to schedule an appointment.