The Right Place. The Right Time.
Daniel Slavin, a patient of Lower Bucks Hospital, is recovering thanks to the help of our quick-thinking emergency team. Daniel’s daughter, who is a nurse at the hospital, arranged for him to get his first COVID-19 shot. While walking into the lobby to meet his daughter, he suddenly felt the symptoms of a heart attack.
Daniel stated in an email to the Hospital:
“My daughter called the ER and I kid you not, 10 people came running out gurneys, crash cart, wheelchair, and a bed. Next thing I know, I’m being shaved, and stents are going in. Hours later, in speaking with the doctor, he said I would have died if I wasn’t in the hospital at that time. An ambulance would have taken too long.”
But thanks to the emergency room team and cardiac specialists, they were able to unblock his arteries and stabilize his heartbeat.
Daniel added, “I can only imagine the toll this took on my daughter, knowing how strong she is and watching her father go through something like that. A remarkable outcome all things considered. So, here I am alive today only by the grace of God and the remarkable staff at Lower Bucks Hospital. My thanks go out to the emergency room staff at this remarkable hospital. Thank you all very much and especially to you, my daughter, for setting up my vaccination shot that turned into quite a bit more. A tip of the hat to my people in the ER for their great work and outcome.”
Lower Bucks Hospital emergency team and cardiology team stress the importance of getting regular health screenings and not delay care. For more information about warning signs of a heart attack visit