The season of Light Joy and Rebirth – so why are we anxious?
‘Tis the season of light, joy, rebirth and celebration. It is also the time of reflection about ourselves and our loved ones. But this year is anything but normal.
COVID-19 has been held responsible for social distancing, inflation, quarantine, remote work, movie theatre closures, Zoom weddings, graduations and meetings and so much more. COVID-19 however, did not create partisan politics, cancel culture, the woke movement and runaway crime.
As healthcare providers, we are not removed from these outside effects. We are however, at the epicenter of the pandemic. We have been at health fairs, health screenings, nursing homes, home care, intensive care units, and emergency departments. You have been present at end-of-life care and with family members who could not be present to properly grieve. There have been double shifts, shift coverage, coverage for COVID-19 colleagues, and coverage for the relatives of COVID-19 colleagues. This has been stressful.
At times like this, it’s helpful to recollect on what you were thinking when going into the profession. It is useful to remember who your role models were who encouraged you to do so. The experience you have gained, and the individual relationships you have developed, are owned forever. This is the time to dig into one’s roots, stay fixed and reap the returns from investing in a health career. This is not the time to change positions, lose momentum and possibly get caught on the outside. Here are some tips to remember as a healthcare provider:
1. You are one of the most valuable. Nothing is more rewarding or meaningful than watching a sick person recover because of your efforts.
2. You do not need to join a union to negotiate or impress on others how valuable you are.
3. There is value to working where people know your name.
4. With higher pay comes higher responsibilities.
5. We are here to support you and help you succeed in your endeavor.
6. We wish you happy holidays and happy new year.
Dr. Meller is currently accepting new patients at BMC Medical Group, 2nd floor, 501 Bath Road, Bristol, PA 19007. For more information or to schedule an appointment, please call 215-785-9818.